Pendle Doors Annual Charity Golf Day

Date Posted: 29th June 2023


On 15th June 2023, Pendle Doors hosted its Annual Charity Golf Day at the MacDonald Hotel and Spa in Cheshire. This year we hosted a number of customers, team members and friends of Pendle Doors in aid of East Lancashire Hospice and Blue Skies Hospice.

We would like to congratulate Checkmate Fire Solutions who achieved 94 points on the day, crowning them our winners! Closely followed by Gunfire scoring 93 points.

Collectively, we raised an incredible £6,000 and loved hearing from the representatives at Blue Skies, who outlined the massive impact that fundraising events such as these make to their charity.

As a close partner with the East Lancashire Hospice and Blue Skies, Pendle Doors engage in a number of activities and fundraising events across the year; hosting bake sales, supporting and sponsoring staff to do skydives, tough mudder events and much more.

We look forward to next year’s events and seeing what crazy things our amazing team gets up to next, all in the name of our Employee chosen charities.

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